The benefits pertaining to:
Financial benefits of the wider group:
– Reduced operational costs resulting in a higher margin broker business
– Access to sales referrals
– Leveraging beneficial cross-selling opportunities
– A clear path to exit when the time is right
– Access to acquisition finance to grow your business
– BEE ownership and credentials
People benefits of a partnership network:
– A high degree of interaction and communication between network partners, to unlock synergies and opportunities
– Training & talent development
– A wider talent pool for succession planning
Administrative benefits (from the exclusive use of Jacana Administration Services):
– Superior insurer market access with purchasing power
– Unique binder facilities that support innovative products and services
– Improved policy wordings and broker support
– Constantly evolving service offering with consistent capital investment
– Specialist claims team support
Upcoming benefits:
– Use of best-in-class Jacana technology and improved levels of automation
– Cost effective shared services, such as IT, HR and financial admin support